more blues licks TONYS

30 thoughts on “Blues Guitar Lessons – BB King inspired Lick – Lead Guitar Solos Major/Minor

  1. Great. But i feel like these can be 20 times more helpful if you simply mentioned what key/scales are used so we can move it around to other keys. I do realize this is in e major/minor

  2. Great. But i feel like these can be 20 times more helpful if you simply mentioned what key/scales are used so we can move it around to other keys. I do realize this is in e major/minor

  3. like guitrs like the coment dont dislike

  4. like guitrs like the coment dont dislike

  5. Good backing track to practice it? ):

  6. Good backing track to practice it? ):

  7. minute 1:00 : I cant play that! minute 7:00 I`m Playing It!!!!!!!!

  8. minute 1:00 : I cant play that! minute 7:00 I`m Playing It!!!!!!!!

  9. Oh my God !!! Is it the red gibson pete townshend had in the live at the isle of wight ?????!!!! Wonderful !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Long live the whooooooo !!!

  10. I believe its a G-400…I could be wrong though….

  11. Anyone know all the notes that Marty is playing at the beggining ?

  12. I so agree!! Best guitar teacher on the web

  13. that looks like a long neck for an sg, is it?

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