Great to have an instruments that offer both systems, resophonic and electric. Versatile! Good to bring along to jams where you never know whats gonna happen, been to too many jams where Ive been drowned out by electric guitars cranked up.. I say, no more…..!! Republic Miniolian, all mahogany model. Parlor size and big acoustic tone! Should I name it: the Electriolian or Electronator guitar..?! 😉

11 thoughts on “Bottleneck slide in open F tuning. Low-down dirty distortion!

  1. Thanks! Umeå sounds like a good idea, Sten! I’ll try to make it happen.

  2. Sounds awesome! Hope we’ll see you in Umeå soon again! 🙂

  3. Hey and thanks a lot!! This is the cheapest mini humbucker you can find I guess. On eBay, these cost around $14-19..!! It’ll be perfect on the Hgw61, I’m gonna add one on mine too!

  4. eBay, these cost around $14-19..!! And they sound amazing!! Fits perfectly under the strings on most reso’s too, I’ve tried on several. Good cheap versatile mini humbucker!!

  5. Thanks, man! Just for the fun of it, I needed a reso to plug in now and then.

  6. i like it bro…..u give those electric players what for now

  7. oh yeah, very cool sounding, and great playing, as always. so, what kind of pickup is that? what do you mean magnetic pickup? i’ve got one of the short scale highway 61s that i’d love to electronate.

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